Guam Democratic Caucus
May 7, 2016
Guam Democratic Caucus
Results coming soon
We don't have vote tallies for this race, but we’re counting delegates.
No precincts reporting
Clinton wins/leads
Sanders wins/leads
Candidate Delegates Delegates Votes % Clinton
9 •••••••••4 ••••0 0.0 Sanders
3 •••3 •••0 0.0 ••••••••••••12 of 12 delegates accounted for in Guam.
•••••••7 of 7 pledged delegates accounted for in Guam.
Delegate counts are estimates and may change. More info »
The Guam Republican Convention was on March 12
Guam Republican Convention
The Guam Republican Convention was on March 12
No precincts reporting
Cruz wins/leads
Kasich wins/leads
Rubio wins/leads
Trump wins/leads
Candidate Delegates Delegates Votes % Cruz
0 0 0 0.0 Kasich
0 0 0 0.0 Rubio
0 0 0 0.0 Trump
9 •••••••••0 0 0.0 •••••••••9 of 9 delegates accounted for in Guam.
0 of 0 pledged delegates accounted for in Guam.
Delegate counts are estimates and may change. More info »